Language & Communication

Language development involves listening, speaking, reading and writing. Children are far better language learners compared to adults. Children are able to learn one or more languages without being overly confused.

During the kindergarten years, teachers should aim in outnumbering the children’s experiences in order for them to relate their experiences to their reading. They enjoy listening to stories, relating characters and events of life experiences and responding to stories through drama, art and writing activities.

Children’s oral language skills can be stretched when opportunities are given to express themselves through conversational activities. Children’s language can also be developed further through a step-by-step procedure using the simplest language, leading to a more advanced stage in terms of books and spoken language.

Kindergarten students need to be engaged in word play, listening and responding to children’s literature, building reading and writing concepts, skills and strategies.

In our kindergarten programme, children will be involved in:

  • listening to stories and joining in the reading of stories, singing songs and reciting poems

  • responding to music and movement and also discussion on music appreciation, art and drama

  • discovering phonic sounds, letter blends, words etc.

  • practicing writing skills by drawing, tracing sandpaper letters, copying, manipulating letter tiles

  • browsing through a wide children’s literature by self-selection

  • working on projects collaboratively with other children